Sense-making Researcher and Workshop Designer


In April 2020, with the Covid-19 outbreak, a fauna of networks started popping up to benefit from a collective intelligence approach to systemic challenges. Platform Design Toolkit and its Boundaryless team is the natural extension of my recent work a in organizational design and ecosystem research. Since then, with their open innovation call, the sense-making community will be revamping the latest Platform Design Toolkit.
By fostering organizational awareness about platform strategies, the Boundaryless team carves out purposeful entrepreneurial learning experience.

My role & on-going deliverables: from exploration to implementation

During the monthly sense-making calls, by listening and understanding the developing research direction, I pro-actively nurtured an organic collaborative feedback loop process about the research area and tools.

Within the resourceful global community of innovators, I was involved with conceptual development and worked on a specific lens of the research compass: the cultural lens and a new spectrum of governance. The research activities and the bridge with previous collaboration supported feedback loops to the research planning around the governance its cultural impact. The Commons Stack project has been part of professional network in the last year. Their direction is the right building block to the Platform Design Toolkit.

With Boundaryless team and the community, I designed and conducted interview sessions and delivering case studies report. Finally, I designed and facilitated workshop(s) remotely about new governance model and decentralization. The video below was recorded as part of the event The Future of Platforms and Ecosystem Thinking: A Sense-making session, organised by Boundaryless on 23 of July 2020. The event was a key milestone towards the 2020 Whitepaper: New Foundations of Platform-Ecosystem Thinking, and towards building a collective sensemaking process around topics related to the future of organising at scale.

Lesson Learnt

Covid-19 and its tide of unpredictability have displayed an undeniable necessity of bottom-up cooperative approach. More and more self-sustaining communities are creating markets through platform design. There is a demand of coordination, cooperation and collaboration for new ecosystem of intentions, actions and incentives. The Boundaryless team is tangible evidence of the power of the community. I have been experiencing a safe place to master and co-create with my research, facilitation and workshop design skillset. These lessons learnt inspire me to enable other teams and organization to consider and adopt the way of thinking and the tools from platform design strategy. It will support any sort of organizations to equip to become more systemic towards internal and external challenges and shocks.

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